Member-only story

One of Christ’s final words, as he laid on the cross was, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34
There could be no greater sin than the killing of Christ.
And no greater travesty to man’s life than to have your life taken from you.
Yet, here is Christ; even in his last breath of life, he asks God, his father, to forgive them. Living to the end, the example he wants us to follow.
Christ was able to do this because of his great compassion for people. His compassion gave him great wisdom towards understanding others. He understood that they did not know what they were doing from their level of perception, and because of this, he was able to forgive them.
It can be very hard for us to forgive. Ego finds strength in unforgiveness and punishment. It helps us to feel strong, but it is a false and often misguided sense of strength. Judgment and anger act like filters. It is when we are living in our own fears. We can’t see the truth. We can create enemies and wrongdoers out of people who may not wish you any harm.
We don’t realize what a prison we have created for ourselves when we refuse to forgive. However, when we are open to healing relationships and friendships…